Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sometimes Mommy Needs a Time Out

Photo Credit: Bloody Pop

Before I was a mom I was a rock star. Okay, that's a lie I wasn't a rock star. At best I was a groupie although I believe there is a distinction between trying to bed a rock star and actually doing so. But before I had kids I had my share of fun that could fall under the rock star banner. I look fondly back on those days but would I go back? Nah... being a mom rocks in a much better way, with far less risk of being arrested.

Photo Credit: Idrose

What I do miss is having truly frank conversations.  The kind of candor that only comes out at night after a cocktail or two.  Conversations with people who have seen you at your worst but still think you are the best. When the conversation can turn crass, enlightening, infuriating, but always entertaining. Heck, there may even be a few expletives thrown in for good measure. 

In the realm of Mommy-land you don't really get that level of crude sincerity. What you do get are a lot of women with plastic smiles and lilting voices that are probably about an octave above normal. You go to playgroup and you slap on your "Mommy Nice Nice Face." You never truly get to know who you are dealing with. No one dares be offensive. Sarcasm only goes so far as jokes about sleep deprivation.  And then they dare to send you a friend request on Facebook!

This blog is one woman's attempt to recapture her true voice.  One that may at times sound slightly inebriated but always embarrassingly honest. Sure, I'll talk about mommy stuff, but here is where the gloves will finally come off.  No more playing nice.  Mommy needs a time out.  It's time to sit in the naughty chair.

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